6th BioData.pt | ELIXIR-PT Technical Meeting

University of Minho (Gualtar Campus)

University of Minho (Gualtar Campus)

R. da Universidade, 4710-057 Braga

Join the BioData.pt | ELIXIR-PT Technical Meeting: Collaborate, Innovate, Advance

Registration is free, but mandatory.

Are you ready to tackle pressing challenges in research data management and foster innovative solutions? The BioData.pt | ELIXIR-PT Technical Meeting is your chance to join a multidisciplinary forum dedicated to addressing the needs of the life and health sciences community through collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and cutting-edge tools.

What is the Technical Meeting About?

This meeting is designed to bring together researchers, bioinformaticians, data stewards, and community leaders to:

  • Identify technical challenges faced by research communities and platforms.
  • Collaborate in interactive working groups to design practical solutions, improve data interoperability, and streamline research workflows.
  • Explore new tools and services to enhance data management and collaboration.

Why Participate?

  • Gain practical insights into addressing community-specific challenges.
  • Network with experts and peers to develop synergies across disciplines.
  • Contribute to shaping solutions that advance research data management in Portugal and beyond.

Your Contribution Matters

Participants are encouraged to share their challenges and expertise, helping to co-design actionable solutions for real-world problems. Together, we will improve tools, harmonize data workflows, and foster collaboration.

Travel Grants

In order to promote meeting participation, BioData.pt | ELIXIR Portugal provides financing for 1 associate, 1 element of each community, and 1 element of each platform. Our financing package includes accommodation for 2 nights in a double room and transportation via public transit.
If more than one person requests funding, it's up to the community's facilitator or associate's representative to determine the recipient of the funds.


See Accommodation. Attendees receiving BioData.pt travel grants will be booked by our chosen hotel.

BioData.pt | ELIXIR Portugal
  • Gil Poiares Oliveira
  • Miguel Cisneiros
  • +1
    • 1:30 PM 1:45 PM
      Welcome and Greetings from BioData.pt and ELIXIR-PT 15m
      Speaker: Inês Chaves (BioData.pt)
    • 1:45 PM 2:15 PM
      Services and Tools Monitorization 30m
      Speaker: Gil Poiares Oliveira (BioData.pt)
    • 2:15 PM 2:25 PM
      Communities technical problems and support required 10m
      Speaker: Luciana Peixoto (BioData.pt)
    • 2:25 PM 2:45 PM
      Working Groups Presentation 20m

      5 min per WG

    • 2:45 PM 5:45 PM
      Working Groups: Communities' Technical Problems
    • 5:45 PM 6:00 PM
      WG Presentations & Closing Session 15m
      Speaker: Inês Chaves